
Basically I shoot just out of my interest. However, if you like my work and would like to have your image and moments captured, kindly contact me at

4 Responses

  1. Suzanna Chan

    Great work, dear Niza. Now you are my sifu. ^0^


    September 28, 2011 at 7:12 am

  2. muhammad zuraimi


    hi ,i accidently ran into your beautiful website..

    i’m organising outdoor trips to malaysia eg; jelawang watefall , Gunung Tahan, endau rompin to name a few..

    Basically i’m looking for someone to take pic for my team.

    cost; remunations + free trips + Living your passion.

    muhammad zuraimi
    (currently in spore)
    hp : +65- 9050 8760

    February 26, 2012 at 10:27 am

  3. niza zainal

    Salam Zuraimi.
    Thanks for contacting me. I’m really honored for the opportunity, unfortunately I’m quite busy at the moment and my free time are mostly occupied until end of the year. Besides not sure whether I’m still fit enough for such adventurous excursion 🙂 I will consider short trip during the weekend or short photoshoot session though.

    March 6, 2012 at 11:48 pm

  4. niza zainal

    Thanks Suzanna. I’m just an amateur though, and I don’t mind sharing what I know about photography with you. This is what I do the most – I love looking into other stunning photos by the pros and try figure out what makes their photo outstanding; perhaps the angle, the moment, the technique, the expression/feeling etc. It really helps me on the composition. 🙂

    March 8, 2012 at 3:49 pm

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